June Goals Checkup: Week 2

June SW: 194
Weight after week 1: 189.6
Weight after week 2 (as of Monday morning): 189.4
Loss of .2 pounds in week 2

So that loss is definitely underwhelming, but after my big loss last week I honestly wasn’t expecting much (although let’s be honest, I was hoping for at least a pound!). I felt I had a really good week with my food especially, and I exercised 5 out of 7 days.

Progress on my goals in week 2:
1. Run, bike, or walk at least 18 miles a week. DONE! Week 2: 19.2 miles.
2. Stay within my calorie range 6 out of 7 days a week. DONE! I did this, and I am so proud because it’s the first time in a while that I’ve met this goal.
3. Strength train at least twice a week. DONE. I still am not satisfied with my progress in this area, but I am going to keep working at it.
4. Lose 4 pounds. I’d like to lose more, but will be happy with 4. Since I met this goal in week 1, my new goal was to lose 3 more pounds. Only 2.8 to go! Haha.
5. Read 3 books: one I’ve already read, one fiction, and one non-fiction. I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and then read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and started Fear, Worry and the God of Rest. The book on fear and worry is already rocking my world, and I will be sharing some quotes from it at some point. I think it’s going to be hugely helpful.

All in all, another successful week! I’m hoping this third week will be more of the same, with perhaps a little more weight loss.

What do you want to accomplish this week?

5 thoughts on “June Goals Checkup: Week 2

  1. i want to get my house clean(er) and do well with my exercise and eating! i had a stomach virus last week, so haven't been tracking or exercising…and a potluck at work today is not a good start to the week!


  2. Love your blog and your goals! I have a similar goal and I've been a weight loss journey for 3 years now. I lost 50 lbs 3 years ago and have kept it off, which I'm proud of, but still have at least another 100 to lose. I've kicked up my routine a big ol' notch, so we'll see what happens. The pictures of your progress are amazing. Keep you the good work!


  3. Even if the scale hasnt shown it, you are totally rocking those goals! That is awesome.

    I have been focusing on eating better, again. For the past several weeks, I have been eating by myself almost all of the time. So my eating has really slipped. I started being way more concious of it last week, and it really showed on the scale this week. I am down 15 pounds since January! I am finally back into the 140's! It feels amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now I just have to work on getting myself out for walks, even when my mother-in-law doesnt want to join me.


  4. I want to clean my house and continue to get rid of things we aren't using anymore- less to move! I'm also being crafty this week ๐Ÿ™‚


Tell me your thoughts! I'd love to read them.